
I spoke to Christian Hardenberg, CTO of Delivery Hero πŸ” and formerly Rocket Internet πŸš€ on how to scale an engineering org from 200 to 2000 people. Delivery Hero just entered the DAX a week ago and is worth almost 20 BN as of today. He shared his perspective and thoughts on:

  • How to measure software developers at scale
  • How they keep up the pace / velocity
  • What he thinks about OKRs
  • How they manage to integrate all the acquired entities and teams
  • Their secret sauce and why he thinks it is better than google



The AboutYou Cloud offers a full-stack e-commerce solution as a service that runs on exactly the same infrastructure as AboutYou does. It is mobile-first, can act as a headless system, is event-driven, can be fully localized, and is extremely easy to integrate with existing systems.

AboutYou has set up a task force for retailers and brands that want to be quick in the COVID-situation. This task force will help you with the launch of your shop as well as with fulfillment, marketing, support, and internationalization. Simply write to [email protected] to be supported by this task force. Tell them we sent you!

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Fastly is the biggest challenger in the CDN market and  one of the key drivers of the "edge cloud trend". Well-known customers of Fastly are Shopify, The New York Times, Reddit, Github and many many more.  It is also the favorite solution of the alphalist.cto founder Tobi.  

If you want to try it all with first class support, just go to https://fastly.com/alphalist

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